East Herts

The club aims to provide members with opportunities to improve their skills and to promote woodturning amongst a wider audience.

We meet on the third Wednesday of every month with a variety of meeting topics throughout the year:

  • Outside demonstrators, generally woodturners but also other woodworkers and general speakers;
  • Members’ demonstrations;
  • Hands-on evenings and Q&A sessions;
  • Competitions and a “show and tell” table;
  • Christmas social.

We also have 2 or 3 meetings on a Sunday each year featuring demonstrations from well-known woodturners. For more details of our programme, see the Calendar.

Members of the club often demonstrate at shows such as the Hatfield Forest Woodfest, and for several years we have been helping Scouts to experience woodturning at Jamborees.

The club includes members with a wide range of experience and expertise from beginner to semi-professional, with everyone willing to discuss their work and pass on tips. New members are always welcome whatever their ability.

Wednesday meetings start at 7:30pm and generally finish about 9:45. There is always a break for tea and a chat, and a quality raffle.

Meetings are at: The Pavilion, Bullfields, Sawbridgeworth, CM21 9EA

For further information, please contact us using the contact button below.

Chairman: Phil Steel  Treasurer: Andrew Menzies  Secretary: Glynn Goodwin

We are affiliated to the Association of Wood Turners of Great Britain. See the AWGB web-site for more details.